Happy 2017


Happy 2017 - the Spirit of Lord is moving mightily in this earth! It's all around us! Do you see it?! Do you hear it?!

Today I heard the Lord say: my beloved child - I declare 2017 a year of abundance in the Kingdom of God - in every area: healing, wealth, salvations, sanctification of believers, deliverance, restored relationships, return of my prodigals back to my side! Not looking back but pressing forward together in the unity of my Spirit. Together in love!


Not for us Lord but for your Glory - to shine your light into the darkness. Equip us, anoint us for this year of abundance. May you BE glorified Mighty God!! Amen!!

Now is not the time for us to shrink back but press onward to our high calling in Christ Jesus! Press in and keep moving! Let's just Love one another as He loves us - because God is love!  ❤

I challenge you this year to commit to doing one act of unconditional sacrificial love a month - more if you like. So much better than a resolution don't you think?  Many of you already do this, so keep on shining His light and be encouraged. God sees your heart and He is well pleased with you.

Prayer: Lord help us this year to press into to all you have for us. Thank you Lord for the work you are doing in the world right now, may we be a part of this work and all that you will do in the days ahead. Thank you for opening closed doors and closing the ones that should be closed in our lives. May we know your voice and walk in it fully this year. Thank you that when we trust you and surrender our lives you are glorified and lifted high! In Jesus name Amen!

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” - John 13:34-35 (Jesus) 😇

Blessings - Laura Sterling - Narrow Gate Traveller Ministries www.narrowgatetraveller.com