A Heart For Revival

I am about to spend the next four days attending a revival meeting at my new church here in Calgary. This has placed me in a state of preparing to hear from the Lord and I am expecting great things as I always do in these meetings, which are often a boost in the arm for many war worn Christians.

I have a heart to see revival in the Church and I believe the Lord has anointed me for a time such as this. I am a "prophetic revivalist" (God's words not mine).  I feel called to help God wake up the body of Christ, which lets face it, does not have the influence in our society the way it once did.

I feel called to help bring God's people back to the heart of God, which really I believe is the job of a prophet. I have a soft place in my heart for the prodigals (Luke 15:11-32) those in society who have lost hope in their faith and the Church, they've perhaps been hurt or have become disillusioned.  They still believe in God, they just have a weakened faith.  A lot of this is pretty much by their own rebellion but none the less the enemy has put a whole bunch of lies in their minds that keeps them from even wanting to pray or go to church anymore.

My heart is to see them come back to the Lord in full force.  To help them see Christ again in a whole new light, in order that God can restore their souls and they return to a relationship with our Father.  I believe that this blog is one way God is using me to do that.  The prodigals are a large chunk of our society and I believe as they awaken the Church will come alive in exponential numbers.  I also see many tired Christians, dry bones per se who have faithfully attended church and even been in revivals in the past, but they've also grown weary too.

I've read a lot about revival and have truly been seeking God for signs that the body of Christ is in revival. I believe we are because I see that revival starts within us first and spreads out to the Church as the Lord does His transforming work.  I see many hearts hungry crying out for more.  I hear a prophetic call coming from worship leaders and preachers calling His kids back to their Father.  I pray you hear and see it too and it stirs you up if it hasn't already.

David Jeremiah, Pastor/Radio Host has said the following things about revival:

“Revival has only ever come when culture has gone to its very lowest and hope in anything else has been obscured.”

“Almost every single revival involved young people…it’s always at a time of the darkest time…and it always starts with prayer.”

“What God needs today, more than anything else, is he needs Christians who are fully engaged, sold out, not only to God but to their families and the church.”

“Before we spend too much time praying about God changing the culture, perhaps we need to spend more time asking him to change us.”

Bill Bright, who went home to the Lord in 2003 was an evangelist and founder of Campus Crusade for Christ said this about his observation of church revival. "Revival was preceded by a time of spiritual preparation through repentance, with a special emphasis on fasting and prayer. I know of no better way to humble myself in repentance than through prayer and fasting."

2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV) If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Revival starts in our own hearts first! As Christians we need to repent and turn to the Lord in humbleness asking Him to do a work in us first. Clean up your own sand box first, so to speak!  Really what have you got to lose except a bunch of constricting hurts, awful habits and drag you down hangups.  The truth is repentance sets you free and you will gain a whole new life and understanding of who you are in Christ.  Now more than ever we need to know our identity in Christ, we need to know who we truly are, who we were created to be.

God is calling us to repentance, to bring any hidden sin out into the light. To stand up and face your demons, face your fears and inadequacies head on. What can man do to you? Chances are everything you are believing about your short comings is a lie from the enemy anyway. No one is perfect and the Bible clearly says, its Christ shed blood that makes us righteous, there is nothing we can do to become Holy.

Foman 8:1-8 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.  Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.  So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.

Every great awakening in history has come when God's intercessors prayed day and night for revival. If you are one of them praying for revival, pray first that God would protect Christians from evil, because we are facing great opposition right now. Pray for Christians around the world that they would have repentive, humble hearts and that we would humble ourselves and walk in righteousness.

Lastly, I challenge you to check your own heart! Where are you at with your faith? Are you just someone who believes in Christ or are you a full bloodied, willing to die for the cause Christian, like many are in other parts of the world .  Here's a way to tell the difference by pastor, Jarrid Wilson. Take this list to prayer today and let it challenge your heart like it did mine.

Here are 10 differences between a believer and a Christian.

You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder. James 2:19

  1. A believer believes in Jesus. A Christian follows his commands.

  2. A believer goes to church on holidays. A Christian knows that a church community is the paradigm for their faith.

  3. A believer reads their Bible when things get tough. A Christian reads their Bible regularly.

  4. A believer prays when things get tough. A Christian gives thanks no matter the circumstance.

  5. A believer twists the Bible to fit his or her lifestyle. A Christian works to make his or her lifestyle resemble the teachings of the Bible.

  6. A believer will sacrifice when it’s convenient. A Christian will sacrifice no matter the potential outcome.

  7. A believer tithes when there is no risk. A Christian will tithe no matter the risk.

  8. A believer conforms under the pressure of culture. A Christian holds fast against temptation.

  9. A believer will share their faith when it’s comfortable. A Christian will share his or her faith regardless of the scenario.

  10. A believer knows about Jesus. A Christian knows Jesus as his or her Lord and Savior.

Prayer for today: Father, we confess that we've sometimes moved in a lack of love within the Church and out in the world. Lord, forgive us for not always representing you well, and for giving those outside the Kingdom the wrong message. Lord, we humbly wait upon you and ask you to do what you want to do in our lives. Do a work in our hearts Oh Lord, transform us from the inside out. May those outside the Kingdom see that we love them and nothing else.

We pray for the upcoming election in the United States and for those who lead our nations and your churches, that your will be done. Give our leaders wisdom, we pray for safety and well-being for them and their families. We pray that they will respect and uphold the office that they hold and that they will regularly pray and ask others to pray for them. We pray for spiritual renewal and revival in all leaders throughout the Nations.

Laura Sterling ~ Narrow Gate Traveller Ministries ~ http://www.narrowgatetraveller.com