
Showing posts from April, 2016

A Prayer For Repentance

A Prayer For Repentant Hearts: "The principality over a region or city is "elected" by the hearts and actions of the people in that region." John Paul Jackson Today l pray for God to change the hearts, minds and actions of people in our regions, especially in the body of Christ. Lord remind us that we do not battle against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers of darkness in this dark world and that we must do battle in our prayer closets, not in a boardroom or public forum. Help us to  see that sometimes when we think we are standing up for righteousness it is often seen as judgement because its coming out of a mouth that has an unclean heart and what is said is not meant to heal but to harm others. Lord help us to clean up our own hearts before condemning the hearts of a lost generation. Lord you have said this generation will become very dark before you return, but that the gates of hell shall not prevail. Therefore, Lord help us to be healed and...

Prayer of Surrender

Prayer of Surrender by: Laura Sterling Oh Lord Jesus, I give you my body, my soul; my wealth, my fame, my stature, all that I am. I give you those that I love; my friends, my family; all my hopes and my dreams. My freedom, my life. Use me and all that is mine as you desire. I am no longer mine, but yours. Claim me as your rightful bride. Thank you Lord, for keeping me in your care, and for loving me as your child. Thank you for fighting for me when I face life’s battles; healing me when I am wounded,  and restoring me when I feel crushed.