The Wounded Spirit
Have you ever had someone call you a bad name? Maybe they told you that you were ugly, stupid or dumb and that no one liked you. At some point in our lives, everyone has been wounded by another person’s words. Maybe, it was a friend, or maybe an enemy, perhaps a teacher or a coach you really looked up to, maybe even it was one of your parents. I remember one such incident. This is a scene that is forever etched in mind and I can still see it like it was yesterday. I was around 14 years old; I was playing football in a park with a bunch of my friends. The ball was tossed to me and went over my head and across the road and almost into a creek bed. I ran to save it before it hit the water, and on my way back across the road, one of the boys in the group yelled, "Hey! Look at the baby moose crossing the road." Ouch! Not exactly something a fragile 14-year-old girl needed at that time. I was devastated, embarrassed and most of all that never left my mind for years and years. ...