What's a Narrow Gate Traveller Anyway?
I am what the Bible refers to as a born again Christian, so my blog will undoubtably have a Christian world view to it. I explained to someone today, I am Christian. I don't see being Christian as a religion, it is my culture. A way of life, a lifestyle so to speak. It's who I am. I haven't always had this understanding of Christianity though, in fact early on when I first became a "Born Again" Christian in 1998, I really looked at it as a choice to be or not be a Christian. I guess in the beginning it kind of is. However, as I've grown and become more and more committed to God and what I believe to be true about Him, I've changed my view of things. It seems even if I want to run away from God or chose not to follow Him any longer, it's not so easy to do that. When you ask Jesus Christ into your heart, He's there to stay. He doesn't just give up on you when you have doubts, or question what you believe. I've come to realize it tak...